Patient Information
All new gynaecology appointments require a referral from your GP. You can ring to make an appointment with Dr Kennedy prior to seeing your GP for a referral. However, you must have the referral organised prior to your actual appointment. Alternatively you can have your GP fax the referral to our rooms or you can drop it off yourself. An appointment can then be posted to your home.
New pregnancy appointments can also be made prior to gaining referrals. In most cases the first appointment for a pregnancy should be made for around 8-10 weeks into your pregnancy. This gives Dr Kennedy plenty of time to discuss early pregnancy investigations that are usually performed between 10 and 12 weeks.
If you have any queries regarding the referrals please have no hesitation in contacting the reception staff on 03 62 200 600.
Preparation for your appointment
If your appointment is posted to you, a patient information sheet will be included with your appointment details. You can download the information sheet HERE. If you ensure that this is filled out and brought with you to the appointment it will assist in streamlining the appointment process.
It is ideal if you arrive to your first appointment about 10-15 minutes early. This will allow the reception staff time to enter your patient details into the computer system. It will also allow us time to access any additional scan or blood results that Dr Kennedy may require for your appointment.
If you have made your appointment over the phone and are bringing your referral with you then we ask that you arrive 15-20 minutes early to allow time for you to fill out the patient details forms and then have that information entered into the computer system.
This not a bulk-billing practice and most fees are higher than the scheduled Medicare fee. This reflects the true cost of providing medical care. If you think you will have difficulty with payment, it is important that you discuss this issue with the reception staff. Payment plans can be formulated if necessary.
Please contact reception for costings of initial and review appointments. During the course of an appointment, additional procedures that are not included within the standard charges may be necessary.
Costs involved in pregnancy care will be discussed with you at your first pregnancy appointment with Dr Kennedy.
Fees are reviewed at regular intervals and adjusted to reflect the costs of running a modern medical practice.
If you are registered with Medicare, our practice can submit your medicare claim at the time of your appointment and the medicare rebate can be refunded to your bank account directly.
This practice has a preferred policy of payment at the time of your appointment. Full credit card and EFTPOS facilities are available.